CVFFC General Meeting - 1st August 2015

Yarra Valley Fly Fishers, Lilydale

Doug Braham welcomed delegates to Meeting opened proceedings at 10:15am

Doug Braham (Yarra Valley); Peter te Hennepe & Peter Cairns (Southern); 
AJ Blachandara (Northern)

Chris Collins (Red Tag), Graham Godber (M&DFFC), Travis Fischer (Calder),), Jeff Walton (South Gippsland) Hamish Hughes (VFFA), Chris Doody (Ballarat) Anthony McGrath (Ballarat) Chris Beilby(Wangaratta) 

Minutes previous meeting
The minutes of the 11th April meeting were moved by Peter Cairns and seconded by Peter Te Hennepe. Carried. 
No minutes from June meeting as a quorum was not present.

Business arising from previous meeting
Held for discussion in General Business

President’s Report
No written report. President expressed disappointment with attendances at June and August meetings and acknowledge delegates who had notified their apology prior to the meeting.

Treasurer’s Report
Nil report.

General Business

1.    Discussion of CVFFC meeting attendance and responses to mail outs.
i) Delegates discussed the general lack of attendance at meetings and possible reasons noting that for most delegates distance to venues will always be an issue preventing some from attending. It was considered travel times up to two hours were reasonable but not more. Options for further consideration: 
- more regional locations
- greater use of telephone conferencing

ii)  Lack of response to email requests for input on a variety of issues. Due to short time lines or lack of interest, most clubs do not respond to requests for input to form CVFFC position on certain relevant topics ( Goulburn & pondage stocking proposal, King River stocking proposal, etc) 
Up to date email contacts at every club are essential to get information to the right people for circulation within each member club. Also club Executive Committees may need to make decisions on behalf of members when time is short and issues are of urgent nature. We often only become aware of issues with 14 days or less to act, leaving little or no time to pass through committees and general meetings. 
Circulation of a spread sheet noting clubs responding may encourage greater input.                        Action P Te Hennepe

iii) Suggestion for CVFFC executive  & other willing delegates to make presentations at all member clubs and potential ember clubs explaining CVFFC mission and purpose

2.    CVFFC Web Site Update – Quotes received in vicinity of $3500 considered too expensive.
Facebook & Drop Box are effect communication tools, but many members are not familiar or do not have access to these, although this should not deter us from utilising as much as possible.
A simple web site is still considered necessary. PT agreed to follow up with all member clubs for accurate & up dated contact details. PT will then obtain quotes for a basic web site in time for AGM.

Action: P Te Hennepe

3.    Proposed removal of Closed Season SW Rivers
All Member Clubs input is against this proposal. Peter Te Hennepe will attend VRFish convened special meeting to convey CVFFC  position

4.    Recognition of Service Award to the CVFFC 

Nominations received for CVFFC Outstanding Service Award
•    Rod Booker    Proposed C. Collins    Seconded P. Cairns
•    David Woolcock    Proposed C. Collins    Seconded P.TeHennepe
•    Simon Morrison (posthumous) Proposed C.Collins    Seconded D.Braham
•    Pat Washington    Proposed C.Collins Seconded P.Cairns
•    Christopher Collins    Proposed D.Braham    Seconded A.Balachandara

All nominations accepted  unanimously.

Meeting closed 12:05 pm
Next meeting: Saturday 26thh September at Mansfield & District Fly Fishers.